Short Film Selection


  • Selection is open to the participation of students studying in associate, undergraduate or graduate departments of universities in Turkey, TRNC and International universities.
  • Participants can apply individually or on behalf of a team. In case the application is made on behalf of the team, the “Team Spokesperson” is responsible for ensuring the conditions in the relevant specification and application
  • The duration of the films to be included in the selection must be at least 3 minutes long and at most 15 minutes long. Participants can apply individually or as a team.
  • The film must be annotated in English and/or Turkish.
  • Short films can also consist of only graphic elements as fiction or animation.

Fictional Short films must be submitted by we-transfer along with the synopsis of the film and in .avi, .mpeg2 or .mpeg4, h264, mov format, 1920x1080 (HD) or 4K resolution.


  • Participants must fill in this specification, which they signed, completely and legibly, and the participation form, together with the specification, must be submitted with the short film through Wetransfer.
  • The deadline for submission and application is February 5, 2022, at 24:00.
  • The person and e-mail address to which the films will be sent are as stated in this article.

( Dr. Serkan FUNDALAR)

Near East University Faculty of Communication/Film Making & Broadcasting Department

Phone: 0 548 8704040



  • In order to participate in the selection, the participant is obliged to present the information requested correctly and to fill the application form completely.
  • When the participant fills in the application form and sends it to us, it is considered to have signed it.
  • The participant accepts that he/she has shared the personal data of himself and other persons submitted by making this application in accordance with the law. Otherwise, the legal liability that may arise, disputes that may arise due to incorrect submission of information, and other obligations regarding the protection of data are binding on the participant.
  • If the participant has applied on behalf of the team, the award will be delivered to the team spokesperson who signed the documents.
  • Any claim of copyright infringement arising from third parties due to their use of material, non-original text, image, music, etc. in the work to be sent to the selection is the responsibility of the participant.
  • The short films that will participate in the selection must not have received an award in any other selection before.
  • It is forbidden for the short films to be included in the selection to include any political element-content, a political allusion, insults, unauthorized transfer of personal data, sexuality, inappropriate use of children, and advertising.
  • If the films that do not fulfill the relevant criteria and obligations are detected before the application period expires, the parties will be warned that they cannot be accepted into the selection process unless the necessary criteria and obligations are fulfilled. In any case, short films that are sent after the deadline and do not meet the relevant conditions will not be taken into the evaluation process and will be disqualified.
  • The Symposium Committee cannot be held responsible for the use of prohibited elements in short films.


  • The short films that have applied for the selection and won the ranking are shown on the screen and the ranking of short films is announced 1 week before the screening
  • The date that the election results will be announced is 08 March 2022.


The following criteria will be taken into account while making the evaluation:

  • The originality of the movie
  • Content of the message given
  • Ease of perception of the given message
  • The language and structure of the subject
  • Audio-visual quality of narration
  • Creativity elements


  • Upon the completion of the evaluation of the selection by the jury, the awards and the winners are published on the Symposium page.
  • A certificate of participation is issued for everyone who attends. Apart from this, the awards and prices determined for the short films are as follows:

For the first 10 films deemed worthy of showing in the selection, 2500 Study Coins (1250TL) to be used on the e-Study Box Digital Education Platform,
Other films that are deemed worthy of the Special Jury Award will be awarded 1500 Study Coins (750TL) to be used on the e-Study Box Digital Education Platform.

  • The Near East University Communication Studies Center will be able to use the rights transferred to it in relation to the ranked films at any time without considering any commercial purpose.


  • With this specification, the Author transfers the following rights to the Near East University Communication Center and accepts that he/she may use his/her rights under the Near East University Communication Research Center; a. One of the moral rights defined in Article 14 of FSEK No. 5846, "Right to Public Offering" b. Among the substantive rights defined in the FSEK No. 5846, Article 21 transfers the Right to Process, Article 22 Right to Reproduction, Article 23 Right to Disseminate, Article 24 Right to Representation, Article 25 Right to Communicate.
  • The Near East University Communication Research Center, under its own name, is entitled to have and use the "Processing Right", "Distribution Right", "Right to Representation" and "Right to Communicate", in the power of the rights that the Author has transferred to the Near East University Communication Research Center without pursuing any commercial purpose.
  • The Author is the sole owner of the right to prohibit changes in the work, and in case of a request for this, the relevant platform and partners will contact the Author.
  • The rights deemed to be transferred by the Author do not prevent the author from using these rights.


The following items must be included in the "Application Form" to be sent.

  • Title and synopsis of the short film
  • Year of production
  • Applicant's first and last name
  • Applicant's date of birth
  • University/faculty/department and class information of the applicant
  • Applicant's contact address (address, phone and e-mail)
  • In case of joining as a team, the name and surname of the other team members


I hereby undertake that I also own all intellectual property rights on the work submitted for selection and that I have all necessary rights regarding the presentation of this work and the transfer of intellectual property rights related to the work. The work in question; i) that I am the real producer/creator of the work and/or that I am the original owner of the material and moral rights recognized within the framework of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846 (FSEK) ii). I am the owner of the work and I take any and all necessary steps regarding the transfer of the intellectual property rights related to the work to the Near East University Communication Research Center. I have all kinds of rights, that I do not violate the intellectual property rights (copyright, patent, trademark, etc.) of any third party, that I do not violate or tarnish the personal and privacy rights of any living or deceased person, I undertake and confirm that the content of my short film is not contrary to the Turkish Penal Code, No. 5651 and any other applicable legislation or law, and that the content in question does not contain elements that may constitute a crime and that there is no violation of the personal rights or property rights of a natural or legal person in any way. In case of the emergence of criminal elements later, the institutions supporting this selection do not have any responsibility, in case of violation of copyright or other intellectual property rights or any violation of legislation, my work may be disqualified from the selection, and I/my team may be banned from the selection. I understood in full that if it is understood after the selection that I/my team has violated the requirements and/or laws in any form, my award can be withdrawn even if I have been awarded. In addition, I undertake and confirm that I am responsible for the actions of the person, material and team that I have used for personal data, age limit and other reasons, and that the necessary permissions have been obtained for the data I shared with the Near East University Communication Research Center team.

Applicant's first and last name:

Applicant's date of birth:

University/faculty/department and class information of the applicant:

Year of production:

Applicant's contact address (address, phone and e-mail):

Names and surnames of other team members:


In our present time, when the pandemic conditions strengthen the discourse about digitalization and digital education is now everywhere, it has become more clear that art and education are inseparable parts. We are very happy and honored to have e-Study Box, a digital education platform, in this great selection, which is organized to strengthen art and make the production of young and talented artists valuable. We would like to express that we will be happy to contribute to this and all future artistic activities with the idea that "our aim should be to contribute not only to education but also to production"


  • Dr. Derviş Zaim  Chairman of the Jury – Director )
  • Prof. Dr. Fevzi Kasap
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. İzlem Kanlı
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Çağdaş Öğüç
  • Dr. Lecturer Zehra Cerrahoğlu
  • Dr. Lecturer Erkan Turan
  • Dr.Serkan Fundalar
  • Dr. Göral Erinç Yılmaz
  • Lecturer Murat Cem Acaralp
  • Lecturer Zeyde Y.Örek
  • Lecturer Mert Yusuf Özlük
  • Lecturer Evren Maner
  • Süleyman Bedri Kalyoncuoğlu (Producer)
  • Canol Balkaya (Producer)
  • Hayri Çölaşan (Director)

We congratulate all young film artists who participated in the selection for their efforts and wish them success.

e-Study Box Digital Education Platform